Monday, April 5, 2010

Tampa Pet Photographer - The World's Sweetest Dog

This is Getty. Getty is one of three lucky dog-kids in the Cardoso household. However, Getty holds a special place in my heart. See, Getty is MY dog. She's little, she's crazy and she's got a sense of humor. I've had her for 6 years...wait, no, I think it's 7 years now. She was with me before a husband and a baby and a stepson and two other attention-hungry hounds. Getty was with me before the house and the yard and responsibilities. Getty and I, we've had good times and we've had bad. There was that time that she split my lip and sent me to the emergency room when she was 3 months old. Oh, and then there was that day when she ate part of my $600 chair when I was at work. And Getty did have an unnatural obsession with eating quarters for a while. But, she's totally worth it. And now, every time my daughter pulls her ear or squawks as Getty walks by, I'm reminded of what an awesome dog Getty really is.

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