Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gigi and the Twins - Tampa Family Photographer

As someone who grew up two doors down from her grandparents, I can tell you that extra bit of love so very close is one of the most special things in the world. Grandparents serve this special place in a child's life. And looking back on my experiences with my grandparents overwhelms my heart with love and happiness.

I was lucky enough to be able to capture some special moments for this grandmother and her 5-yr-old twin grandchildren. That's right. I said 5-YR-OLD TWINS. So, you KNOW this is a special grandmother we are talking about. Making pizza, gardening, going for a walk, silly faces, playing inside. These twins have such a good time with their Gigi. Their relationship is amazing to watch and their love is even more outstanding. Being able to spend time with Gigi and the twins really helped me appreciate all of the special moments I had with my own grandparents. Below are some of my favorites from our adventure. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

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