Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tampa Family Photographer - Super Blog for a Super Family!

I love it when I talk to a potential client and they immediately feel like a friend. That was the case with Niki. When we talked for the first time, I could relate with everything that she said. Her daughter is only a few months older than my little bean, so I found myself saying, "Ah, I love it when Lucy does that!" and "We should get the kids together!" before even meeting her in person!

Well, that phone call was just the beginning of me loving this sweet family. We met at the stables where Niki keeps her horse, Max. Little C. gets really excited when she sees Max, so we agreed that would be a great location to start at. Niki and Todd took Little C. through their normal routine with Max, mixed in with a little playtime with the stable dogs. It was so nice outside and the scenery was beautiful that I had to force myself to stop shooting!

From the stables, we ventured back to the family's house, where I learned that Little C. is quite possibly the youngest one I've met with Bieber fever! And she's got the moves to match it too! Niki and Todd were so much fun with Little C. - chasing her around the house, singing and dancing with her. You can just tell how much these two love each other and this little munchkin. How could you not - look at her - she's adorable!

I'm so glad that I got to spend the afternoon with this awesome family. Niki & Todd, thank you so much for letting me be a part of this time in your life. This age is quite possibly the best, but I have a feeling that you'll enjoy every step with Little C. - she's really amazing. I hope you enjoy the photos and much as I enjoyed my time with you all!

Why a "Super Blog," you say? I don't usually show this many photos in a sneak peek, but I honestly couldn't help myself.


  1. Another fabulous job!!

  2. Awesome job. Great shots at just the right momments. What an eye you have.
    Thanks much!
