Friday, September 10, 2010

Tampa Baby Photographer - Celebrating with Baby L.

What do you get when you combine one of the cutest babies ever and one of the most adorable little birthday cakes I've ever seen? That's right ... you guessed it ... a super-fun smash cake session! 

You all remember Baby L. I know he has a small fan club out there. I've even had people ask me, "Who is that little boy with THOSE EYES!" Not only those eyes, but that hair and that smile ... how could you resist this little guy? I simply adore him and am so lucky to capture his big first-year milestone.

When I showed up for Baby L.'s smash cake session, our time was limited. It had just stopped raining, and, luckily, we found 30 minutes in between storm fronts to run out in the backyard and have ourselves an awesome time. Baby L.'s Gigi made him this amazing chocolate cake (which I was secretly wishing I could grab a piece of!) I absolutely love when families add special elements like this to their shoots. When his mom set Baby L. down on the blanket, we quickly learned that he LOVED fondant! Before we knew it, he grabbed the #1 and went to town. Hoping that he'd take a stab at the cake, we kept putting the #1 back in place, and then he went for the fondant polka dots instead! Once we removed about four of those from his mouth, he wasn't feeling it anymore and went for the ever-so-popular super-leg cake smash (really in an effort to chase after his mom).

So, to get this little guy back into cake-smashing, we did a some reconstruction on the cake and moved over to a little bench under a tree, thinking that maybe a change of scenery would get us back on track. Based on the variety of duck noises that Baby L. made during this part of the session, along with that amazing smile, I'd say that he was a happy boy.

This time in a baby's life is so bitter-sweet - their first birthday. As a parent, you're sad to see your little baby grow-up, but at the same time they've become this little person who is starting to walk and talk and be silly and smash cake! That why I love the smash cake sessions so much. It's a special time to capture that moment ... and their personality. Time flies way too fast ...

I'm honored to be photographing this little guy's birthday party this weekend. His parents are so creative and came up with an awesome idea to celebrate his beautiful head of hair. I won't let the secret out, but I can't wait to share those photos with you all! Stay tuned ...


  1. That is an awesome cake! And a great capture. He has the most amazing hair and big blue eyes. I love the shots of him with cake all over his face. Perfect cake smash!

  2. I love the one of his caked-up foot--it's like Godzilla just walked through it. Maybe we should call him "Cakezilla"?
